
Should I Take Albanian Lessons

by | Oct 15, 2024 | Learning Albanian, Blog, Language Learning Tips | 0 comments

Should I Take Albanian Lessons

A question I get asked all the time is Should I get Albanian Lessons? My answer is never direct because I need to know the situation of the person. On the other hand my answer is almost all the time, yes. But why do I say that and why should you consider having Albanian lessons if you seriously want to learn Albanian? Let’s find out 

Common Misconceptions About Albanian Lessons 

I often hear misconceptions such as 

I will pick it up Naturally!

This is a belief of a lot of expats when they move to Albania. Of course there are many cases of people who learned Albanian on their own without having Albanian lessons but they didn’t simply pick it up. There was a lot of work included in that process. Expecting that you will simply pick up the language simply because you moved to Albania is just like going to the gym but not doing any exercise and then expect to get into shape. That’s why the idea that you will pick up the language doesn’t work. Immersion in the language is very helpful but is not the only thing to be done.

I am Albanian and I am a Native Speaker!

While in a lot of instances this is true it isn’t true for many Albanians who were born and raised outside Albania. During the last 4 years I have had the opportunity to teach many Albanians who were born and raised abroad and learned Albanian as a second language. Many of them started learning on their own and realized that just cultural exposure wasn’t enough. That’s why they decided to get a few lessons with me just to try it out and ended up having even many more. They realized that Albanian lessons with a teacher help to create strong foundations of the language. 

The Benefits of Structured Lessons

  • Customized Learning Plan: Having one on one Albanian Lessons allows you to have a Customized Learning Plan. Find a teacher that is flexible with you and will teach what you need to learn. If you have some background already you don’t have to waste time with that but can start right away with the new things that you want to learn. Ask your teacher for a clear learning plan. This way you will know what you are going to learn and when. This will be easier because you wont join each lesson wondering “and what will I learn today?”. 
  • Full Attention: Having Private Albanian Lessons with a teacher means that the teacher will be 100% focused on you. You deserve to have that attention when you are learning. This way you can progress at your own pace, no matter how fast or slow you want to go.
  • Immediate Feedback: One of the biggest benefits of having Albanian Lessons with a private tutor is that you will receive Immediate Feedback. This Immediate Feedback is a crucial part of your learning process. This way if you make a mistake, you will get corrected immediately and not learn what you are learning wrong. 
  • Flexibility: By comparison to group courses when you take Private Albanian Lessons you can have the flexibility you deserve. If you are one of those people that have a super busy schedule then you need to have some dedicated teacher that will teach you whenever it is best for you. This way you don’t have to adapt to the fixed times of a course.
  • Faster progress: While learning on your own can be possible, taking Albanian Lessons will help to have faster progress. This way you will economize time and see the results in a much faster time.  

Tailored Learning for Expats, Foreigners and Albanians 

Having had more than hundreds of students which I have worked one on one with them taught me something. There are no students that are the same. There can be some similar features but never the same. That’s why I personally trust in Tailored plans if you are planning to Learn Albanian. Depending on your situation you need to be presented by the teacher with a clear plan. For example I have had students that only wanted to focus on daily conversations all the time and on the other hand I had students who just wanted to pass the language test. Now you can imagine how different the lesson plans and the lessons itself should be for these two students. 

Also those who are in Relationship with Albanians, have quite the reason and the motivation to learn Albanian. In such cases your teacher should not only focus on the language but also on the culture and cultural elements of the language. 

Why Should You Learn Albanian?

If you are in the situation that you are living in Albania, or if you are in a Relationship with an Albanian or if you are of Albanian origins then learning Albanian seems like the logical step to take. 

A Gateway to Better Integration

Having Albanian Lessons will boost up your learning which is the key to having a better Integration. You cannot integrate if you do not speak the language. Living in a foreign country myself I can say that if you don’t speak the language of the country you just survive. You don’t live and have a meaningful life. The same thing goes if you are in a relationship with an Albanian or if you have Albanian origins. You will be surrounded by Albanians all the time and you will miss out so much just because you don’t speak the language. 

Overcoming the Challenges

Albanian Can Be Tough, But Worth It

The Albanian Language is said to be very hard. Personally I don’t agree with this, I say Albanian is challenging but not hard. See it more as a challenge not an obstacle. If you make the effort to Learn Albanian and take Albanian Lessons then you will see the results in no time. Then you will only enjoy the benefits of speaking Albanian all the time with your friends and family.

Making Time for Lessons

Often I hear from my potential students that they don’t have time to take Albanian Lessons. While this might be the way they see things I remind them that we don’t have time to do anything but we find time to do things. Having a few hours a week to learn Albanian might seem impossible but once you are determined to do it you will realize that it actually is more than doable. Check out how many hours you spend a day on social media before saying I don’t have time and then you will say, “Oh I actually do have time!” 


To sum up the whole idea of this blog: Learning Albanian is much easier if you are taking Albanian Lessons. These lessons will create the path to fluency and will make it much easier to create stronger connections with Albanians. Its an investment that you will not regret 

You can check out the Albanian Lessons that we offer at Real Albanian here. 

Private Albanian Lessons


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