
Albanian Practice Materials

Get fluent with our Albanian Practice Materials in just 15 minutes a day.

Never wonder what to practice again. Sign up for our Albanian Practice Materials and get instant access to Audio Recordings, Practice Texts, Translations and Quizzes.
Do you know some Albanian, but you wish there was a simple way to practice?

Tired of trying to read articles and having to translate every single word because it’s way too advanced for you?

Wish you had audio recordings you could dive into to get better at listening and pronuncing?

Well you’re in luck – because that’s now possible!

Imagine having a dedicated time in your schedule every day to practice a little bit of Albanian and knowing EXACTLY what to work through next.

Imagine having access to practice texts tailored to your language level AND the matching translation.

Imagine also having the audio of 2 native speakers to go alongside your text, so you can practice your understanding AND your pronunciation at the same time.

Imagine being able to check your understanding with quizzes for the lessons.

All of this is possible with our practice materials.

Introducing: The Albanian Practice Materials

With the Albanian Practice Materials you will gain immediate access to:

👉 Structured learning materials ranging from A1 – C2 allowing you to practice Albanian with materials appropriate for your language level

👉 Audio Recordings, Practice Texts AND Translations for all materials

👉 Access to flashcards teaching you a wide variety of vocabulary

👉 Access to new materials as they are added to the site for as long as you are a member

👉 Access to quizzes to check your understanding

Albanian Practice Materials

Get access to all of this for only EUR 99 per year (cancel any time)

Say Goodbye to:

👉 Putting off practicing Albanian because you just don’t know how to

👉 Getting frustrated by using a coursebook on your own without knowing the right answers

👉 Feeling overwhelmed by wanting to read the news, but it just being way too advanced for your language level

And Hello to:

👉 Practicing Albanian daily for just a short time and getting better at the language

👉 Practicing your listening skills AND pronunciation skills

👉 Learning new words in different contexts

👉 Finally feeling like you have your practice sorted

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question that’s not answered here? Email us: info [at] realalbanian [dot] com

I’m not sure if this is right for me?
The Albanian Practice Materials are right for you if you already know some Albanian and you simply want access to texts and audio recordings to practice regularly.

You can start by listening to the audio and seeing what you understand. Then you can listen to the audio with the text and check how much more you understood. Then you can go through the text with the translation and write down any words that you don’t understand to practice them. And finally you can also use the audio to practice your speaking skills. 

Where can I see what the materials look like?

To see what the materials look like, head over here. You will find a few in each category available for everyone.

What is your refund policy?
Because the materials are online and instantly accessible, we will not issue refunds. Please check the sample materials that are available for free here so you know what it looks like. If you have any questions feel free to email us info@realalbanian.com
Can I keep the materials if I’m no longer a member?
No. The materials are only accessible to members, so once you’re no longer a member, you can no longer access them.
How do I use these materials?
You can start by listening to the audio and seeing what you understand. Then you can listen to the audio with the text and check how much more you understood. Then you can go through the text with the translation and write down any words that you don’t understand to practice them. And finally you can also use the audio to practice your speaking skills.