
Albanians Learning Albanian

Having to learn your native language might seem counterintuitive, but we understand the unique challenges faced by individuals who were born or raised abroad, where Albanian may not have been the predominant language spoken at home.

But don’t worry, we’re here to help!

Albanians learning Albanian

Why would Albanians need or want to learn Albanian?

Many Albanians learning Albanian do so to get back in touch with their own culture and family abroad, others have met an Albanian partner and want to be able to connect with their family and their own culture again. 

Whatever your reason is, we understand the importance of this for you.

Language isn’t just the words we use, it deeply connects us to another culture, and that is why learning Albanian is a great way to get back in touch with your roots.

Albanians Learning Albanian

What do Albanians learning Albanian need to do, to start refreshing their Albanian (or learn it from scratch)?

Each person’s situation is unique, and it’s important to establish what you know already, what your goals are and how you personally learn best.

For this we offer a free consultation call, so that we can help you put a learning plan together. Because learning a language without a plan is like driving without a map.

If you’ve never learnt Albanian, maybe because you grew up abroad and your parents or relatives weren’t able to teach you, then a good option is to get started with our Beginner Albanian Level 1 Course. Here you will learn the foundational language basics that you need to build on with future courses. You can then follow this up with the Level 2 course.

You also have the option to add 1:1 lessons at a discounted price to supplement the course, practice and get personalised feedback.

The second component to learning the language is to speak to people out in the wild so to say – so it’s time to commit to practicing Albanian every day. If you’re abroad, then you may want to get in contact with family back home, or spend time speaking with your local relatives in Albanian. The Albanian diaspora is huge, so another great option for you would be to attend meet-ups or events organised by the diaspora wherever you live. If that’s not an option then accessing content in Albanian, taking 1:1 lessons or finding a language partner are also great options.

Albanians Learning Albanian

What if I need to get fluent in Albanian very quickly because I’m returning home?

No problem!

We offer an intensive program over 20 lessons where we combine our course materials with 1:1 teaching to get you fluent as quickly as possible.

Please book a call here to learn more about it.

Why do so many Albanians learning Albanian choose us?

Many Albanians learning Albanian left Kosova as children and are looking for someone that can teach them both the grammar as well as the difference in dialect, so they can connect with their families. We offer you both.

Beyond that, learning Albanian with us has many benefits:

✅ Get started with one of our self-study courses that you can complete in your own time

✅ Save time by combining lessons with the self-study course so you’re only booking lessons when you need them

✅ Get back in touch with your culture by studying from wherever you are right now

✅ Fit 1:1 lessons around your personal schedule and time zone differences

Learn at your pace – don’t get slowed down by a group

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